Got the books today. They look AMAZING! So, so, SO (so) happy with them. The glued PUR binding looks so much better than the stapled style we use to have. You guys have been so fantastic with our yearbook, and dealing with my last minute freak-out calls. My HOD (boss) is also really impressed with how much cheaper, easier and better quality it is to get professional printing rather than printing our own. The turnaround was amazing, I was worried the books wouldn’t be in before the end of school, or that I would have to come in on my holidays to get books out, but they were quick and well-presented when they got here. We would like to continue using Academic Media for our future yearbooks and next year we will also look at doing school magazine.
Student Yearbooks are what we print and what we do.
As a division of the Haze Media Group we are affiliated with Academic Media and Student Diaries to bring you the simplicity of a single vendor for all your printing and promotional product needs.
For 15 years the Haze Media group has been providing friendly customer focused service and products to the education industry. Our commitment to quality, service, open communication and a valued customer relationship is echoed through our entire business ethos. We offer the same reliable service and client focused approach across every job, for all our clients.
Our close knit team have been working with the education sector for many years and are only too happy to help make creating your school’s yearbooks, magazines or prospectus a simple and less confronting process.
“Yearbooks made easy”, our mantra and our goal.

Student Yearbooks is an Australian owned and managed business. We are proud to state that our yearbooks are printed and bound in Australia.
100% Australian made.

Student Diaries is FSC® certified.
The Mark of Responsible Forestry.
We are able to supply yearbooks printed on FSC® certified stocks.
Thanks so much! They look absolutely FANTASTIC and we’ve almost sold the whole lot. Your help and expertise is much appreciated 🙂
Excellent work! Admin and teachers are thrilled with the quality. The students will be very happy to have these to look back on in years to come. Thanks for your super efforts helping us get it right!
Yes, we received them, and they look fantastic! Thanks again for doing such a great job! I sent your designer a thank you email last week as well; as they did an awesome job!
Thank you! I really appreciate the hard work you guys put in to print and courier these so quickly.
Our yearbooks arrived yesterday and they look great! Turned out really well, the colours and pictures look fantastic. Thanks for all of your help during the whole process.
We got them! We had them in time for presentation night last night! Amazing! And they look wonderful, we love the full colour……… Thank you!